جاوااسکریپت فقط یه زبان برنامهنویسی نیست؛ یه هنره که وقتی مفاهیم پشت پردهش، مثل Event Loop رو بفهمی، حرفهایتر و بااعتمادبهنفستر کد میزنی.
این همون موضوعیه که توی مصاحبههای فنی زیاد ازت میپرسن، چون پایهی مدیریت همزمانی جاوااسکریپته.
📄 اینجا Event Loop رو به سادهترین شکل ممکن توضیح دادم؛ از ساختارش تا جزئیات Microtasks و Macrotasks، همهچی کوتاه و مفیده.
💡 تو این موضوع چقدر مسلطی؟ اگه سوال یا تجربهای داری، خوشحال میشم توی کامنتها بگی!
🎯 If you fully understand the Event Loop, it’s like you discovered an important secret of the JavaScript world!
JavaScript is not just a programming language; It is an art that when you understand the concepts behind it, like Event Loop, you will code more professionally and confidently.
This is the same subject that is often asked in technical interviews, because the basis of concurrency management is JavaScript.
📄 Here I explained the Event Loop in the simplest possible way; From its structure to the details of Microtasks and Macrotasks, everything is short and useful.
💡 How proficient are you in this subject? If you have any questions or experience, I will be happy to tell you in the comments!
JavaScript is not just a programming language; It is an art that when you understand the concepts behind it, like Event Loop, you will code more professionally and confidently.
This is the same subject that is often asked in technical interviews, because the basis of concurrency management is JavaScript.
📄 Here I explained the Event Loop in the simplest possible way; From its structure to the details of Microtasks and Macrotasks, everything is short and useful.
💡 How proficient are you in this subject? If you have any questions or experience, I will be happy to tell you in the comments!